Discover, explore and record your family history for generations to come.
Time is precious and the people that know all the stories about your family won’t be around forever so get those tales written down now. Are there people in the photos in those old black paper albums that you don’t know the names of or how they are related to you? Find out this information so you can document it to pass on to future generations. It may not seem that important now but what if you don’t know who some of the people in the photos are and one day your child or someone else asks you who the people in the old black photo album are and you can’t tell them.
If you create a Heritage scrapbook album or incorporate the photos into a photo journal and document your family history, this information will be available to future generations. A family tree page is very important to include for future generations because it will show the connection between themselves and all the other family members.
This is the most special scrapbook album of all and has so many possibilities to make each and every page unique and memorable. My advice here is to keep everything you get concerning your new child starting from when you are in the hospital. Baby food labels and a picture of your child trying the new food also make great souvenirs of their early days. This may be a bit tricky to get photos of this so you may need to enlist the help of dad, a friend or an older child for this.
The sky is the limit because babies have so many different expressions and change so much over the years. You can also take photos of a baby in outfits they were given because especially as newborns they might not fit into it for very long. It is wonderful to capture as much of their changing look because it happens so fast and at least you will have the memories to share with them when as they grow up.
The photos of these special occasions (i.e. Easter Egg Hunts, costumes they wore on Halloween, and family gatherings at Thanksgiving and Christmas) are essential to a family scrapbook album. You may also want to divide some of the extra copies of these photos into each child’s individual scrapbook so they can all have their own book of memories.
Include photos of their birthday parties each year in a family scrapbook album so you can see the changes in your child/ren’s appearance, friends, cakes and gifts they received from year to year. These photos can also be incorporated into each child’s individual scrapbook.
If the scrapbook album is for the bride and groom the journaling is very subjective. You are projecting your ideas of what the happy couple may want to have written in the album into the journaling. It will be special because the album will be from your perspective and give them a different outlook on the day. Weddings are very busy and because the bride and groom have so many details to attend to they may not remember some of the special moments that took place during the course of the day.
This theme can be a stand alone project or part of a family scrapbook album. A stand alone album makes a great gift idea.
This theme could be created in one book or if you had a really long and memorable trip each one could be extended into its own album. It all depends on the number of photos and stories you want to include. These are things you can think of when you are on a trip, taking photos with making your project in mind and what you really want to remember. Keep everything (including tickets and information pamphlets you can scan) from shows you may have seen or little side trips you went on so you can remember every little detail of your travels. It all depends on how much detail you want to go into on your pages, whether each trip will have its own scrapbook album, if all trips end up in one album or as part of the family album.
One way to extend an album or fill an entire scrapbook album is to take pictures of every child at different locations you go to so you can pick and choose (or use them all) which pictures will be used. Also, this way everyone gets in the album and there will be no disputes about this. Extra copies of these photos could also be used in a child’s individual scrapbook album.
Keep a photo record of family pets you have had, especially their growth if you had them from when they were young. You could also include in this theme photos taken during trips to the zoo or various animal parks you have visited as a family. Pictures of your children with pets they treasured will make great memories when they are older. Copies of these pictures could also be included in their individual albums and the family scrapbook album as well.
This album continues from where the Baby Album leaves off and follows the child through each milestone, special event and memorable moment in his or her life.
I hope these ideas help inspire you to decide which Heritage Makers project to begin first.
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